1) Please do not let your children touch my paints.
(these paints cost a lot and if touched they're no good for anyone)
2) I can not paint any child that is unwell, has a cold, or with an infection to the skin, E.g - cold sores/chicken pox. This is at the discretion of the face painter
(hand or arm paints may be ok, please ask)
3) All children must be accompanied by an adult.
(feel free to take photos but please give us space)
4) We can not paint anyone under the age of 3, nor paint anyone unwilling.
(Face paints are not recommended for under 3s, and if children don't want their face painted please do not force them as we won't paint them)
5) I only use professional face paints and cosmetic glitters, but there is always chance for a allergic reaction.
(Face paints are used on skin at your own risk, and we can not be held responsible or liable for any reactions)
6) Artist reserves the right to not paint anyone they do not feel is suitable
(we are profession, please don't cause a scene if this doesn't go in your favour)
7) Face paints can stain fabric, We do not accept any responsibility should this occur
8) Removing the face paint - gentle cleaning with soap and water, mild staining may occur but this will come off after a few washes.
(please do not use baby wipes as you will see slight staining to the skin and the colour won't be fully removed.
We want face painting to be an enjoyable and exciting experience, so please work with our artists with any issue we can encounter.
See designs below to show your artist which you'd like, this saves time when you get to our artist so they can get started straight away. If there's a different design your child has in mind, please pick one below, then ask the artist when it is your turn.